Biodiversity Training Advisors

Training Material for advisors of standard organisations and food companies

Advisors of standard organizations as well as companies provide training and guidelines to owners or managers of the certified farms. However, so far protection of biodiversity is not a priority within capacity building activities and often it is not addressed at all. Advisors do not receive special training on key aspects of biodiversity such as creation and maintenance of ecological structures or the elaboration of a Biodiversity Action Plan.

The training material of the project EU LIFE Food & Biodiversity offers comprehensive and detailed information for advisors of standard organisations and companies to support farmers in the implementation of good biodiversity measures.

Biodiversity, agriculture and the food sector

Protecting biological diversity is an important goal of the European Union. The EU Biodiversity Strategy aims to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and to help stop biodiversity loss globally. As micro-enterprises, farmers are also subject to legal conformity, i.e. they must be familiar with and comply with the respective laws and regulations of the European Union.

What is biodiversity and what is the relation between biodiversity and agriculture? Why should and how can advisor improve biodiversity performance? This guideline and the presentations provide a comprehensive overview of the interrelationships between biodiversity and the food sector.



Knowledge Pool

For more information about biodiversity in agriculture, visit the Knowledge Pool.

Biodiversity Management

Biodiversity Management refers to measures for the creation, protection or enhancement of habitats (e.g. creation of semi-natural habitats and biotope corridors) on the farm to support biodiversity. One proposed instrument to address biodiversity at farm level is the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). These guidelines, presentations and fact sheets provide a comprehensive overview of possible biodiversity measures and the development of a BAP.



Action Fact Sheets

The Action Fact Sheets describe actions that help to create habitats and support biodiversity on the field. All measures presented were tested in the EU LIFE Food & Biodiversity project. Landscape elements and best practices are applicabale for all production systems. Some measures for crop production and permanent pastures are specifically applicable to mediterranean (M) and temperate regions (T).

Very good practices for more biodiversity

With very good practices for more biodiversity we aim to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems (e.g. reduction of pesticides). The very good practices can be applied in different areas: for example in the preparation of the soil, nutrient management, pest control and water management. This guidelines, presentations and fact sheets provide a comprehensive overview about very good practices to support biodiversity on the field.



Biodiversity Fact Sheets

In several Biodiversity Fact Sheets, we provide information on the impacts of the production of different crops in different climate regions on biodiversity, as well as junctions to very good practices and biodiversity management.

There are Fact sheets are available for the following cultivation systems:

Biodiversity Performance Tool

will be available soon