GNF - Session Biodiversity and Food Sector

Session Biodiversity and Food Sector

10 December 2019, 12.30 - 14.00 h
Brussels, DG Environment
Avenue de Beaulieu 5, BU 5, Room C

In this lunchtime session practitioners and experts will showcase how food companies and standard organizations can make a significant contribution to curbing biodiversity loss by applying effective policies, criteria and sourcing requirements on biodiversity. In times of alarming news about the loss of pollinators, degradation of fertile land and destruction of forests the agri-food sector needs to show how it addresses biodiversity and ecosystems in its transition to sustainability.

This lunchtime session will point potential role of food standards and companies with ambitious re-quirements for biodiversity that may be relevant for the CAP and the upcoming farm to fork strategy. The session will cover results from the EU LIFE Food & Biodiversity project and contribute to the ob-jective of the EU Business @ Biodiversity Platform to promote business tools and approaches that in-tegrate biodiversity considerations into business practice.

Presenters  

Tobias Ludes, Head Agronomist, Global Nature Fund:
Effective biodiversity criteria in standards and sourcing requirements of the food sector: Instruments for assessment and monitoring of biodiversity performance  

Clara Küpper, Project Manager, Sustainability, Fresh Goods, REWE GROUP and Patrick Trötschler, Director Lake Constance Foundation:
Lessons learned in food retail: Improving biodiversity performance of agricultural producers

Emma Habour, Director Advocacy, Rainforest Alliance:
Global value chains and the promotion of biodiversity in the new RA/UTZ standard

There will be enough time for discussion after each presentation.

Please register for the event by 6th December at

Brussels, DG Environment
Avenue de Beaulieu 5, BU 5, Room C

Please register for the event by 6th December at