Conference Biodiversity in the Food Sector

Conference "Biodiversity in the Food Sector"

Together with agriculture, the food sector has a major impact on biodiversity. By supporting food standards and through effective and targeted procurement requirements, the food sector can make a significant contribution to halting biodiversity loss. There is an urgent need for action here. The "Food for Biodiversity" association, newly founded in March 2021, has set itself this goal.

In the context of a kick-off conference, we informed about the topic on May 20, 2021, shortly before the "International Day for Biological Diversity".

Conference schedule "Biodiversity in the Food Sector" with presentations (in German)

As key note speaker, Alexander Bonde, Secretary General of the German Federal Foundation for the Environment, gave a speech on how crucial the sustainable production of food is for the protection of biodiversity.

Afterwards, the deputy managing director of the Global Nature Fund, Stefan Hörmann, presented the newly founded association "Food for Biodiversity" and its goals. Examples from food trade, production and small / medium enterprises were on the agenda. Three breakout sessions followed:

  • Session 1: Tools for managing and monitoring biodiversity.
  • Session 2: Projects and initiatives to promote biodiversity in the food industry
  • Session 3: How can voluntary standards and behavioral indices contribute to biodiversity conservation?

The closing plenary also brought the threads together politically. What is the EU Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices in the context of the European Union's Farm to Fork Strategy?

Download the individual presentations here (mostly in German):

Stefan Hörmann, Verein "Food for Biodiversity": Biodiversität in der Lebensmittelbranche

Clara Küpper, REWE Group: PRO PLANET - Biodiversitätsprojekt der Rewe Group

Andrea Schwalber, Nestlé Deutschland: Engagement für die Biologische Vielfalt

Peter Zens, Biodiversity in Good Company: Wie auch KMUs einen wichtigen Beitrag für das Thema Biodiversität leisten können

Fabian Calvo, Rainforest Alliance: Conserving and creating habitats to protect biodiversity

Annekathrin Vogel, Bodensee-Stiftung: Instrumente zum Management und Monitoring von Biodiversität

Matthias Klumpp, ALB-GOLD Teigwaren: Biodiversität als Qualitätskriterium für Lebensmittel

Dr. Norbert Schmitz, 4C Services: Glaubwürdige Zertifizierung auf dem Weg zu mehr
Biodiversität im Lebensmittelsektor

Dr. Jochen Neuendorff, Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz GfRS: Echte Nachhaltigkeit statt Greenwashing - zertifizierter Bio-Landbau

Anne Burrill, DG Environment, European Commission: The Farm to Fork Strategy and its “EU Code of Conduct for Responsible Businesses and Marketing Practices”