European B@B Platform launches Practical Guide on Biodiversity for SMEs in the Agri-Food Sector

News in the Framework of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign


European B@B Platform launches Practical Guide on Biodiversity for SMEs in the Agri-Food Sector

Companies are invited to pilot the guide.

© EU Business @ Biodiversity Platform
04/04/2022: SMEs play a crucial role in the green transition, but they often face multiple challenges. Existing tools, frameworks and guidance often target large corporates and are not always adapted to the needs of SMEs. Following the growing demand from various stakeholders, including SMEs and organisations working with SMEs, The European Business @ Biodiversity Platform (EU B@B Platform) developed a Practical Guide on Biodiversity for SMEs in the Agri-Food Sector. The objective of the guide is to break these barriers and inspire SMEs, wherever they are on their nature journey, to take action and start managing their impacts on biodiversity.

Click here to read more and download the guide at