
News in the Framework of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign

  • Online portal elan! - How do companies get deforestation out of their supply chains?03/20/2024

    Online portal elan! - How do companies get deforestation out of their supply chains?

    OroVerde and Global Nature Fund help companies to implement the EU deforestation regulation. Leading companies and politicians met in Bonn to learn how to use the online portal elan!

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  • Flowers and Biodiversity: Round Table on Standards in the Ornamental Plant Industry02/21/2024

    Flowers and Biodiversity: Round Table on Standards in the Ornamental Plant Industry

    In order to strengthen biodiversity in the flower industry, Unternehmen Biologische Vielfalt (UBi) offers knowledge and recommendations from experts in dialog formats. The second round table with stakeholders from the horticultural industry at the beginning of February focused on biodiversity-related criteria for the industry's most important standards.

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  • TNFD Sector guidances – open for consultation   02/06/2024

    TNFD Sector guidances – open for consultation   

    The TNFD framework presents three core components: the outline of fundamental concepts and definitions to receive an understanding of nature itself, guidance for corporates and financial institutions as well as the TNDF’s recommended disclosures for nature-related issues. 
    Additional Guidance by sector is open for consultation until 29 March 2024.

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  • Science Based Targets Network (SBTN): Publication of first land science-based targets 05/05/2023

    Science Based Targets Network (SBTN): Publication of first land science-based targets 

    The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) has launched a public consultation on its draft technical guidance for companies to set the first land science-based targets, which focus on protecting and restoring ecosystems.

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  • Extracted forests – study on mining and deforestation05/05/2023

    Extracted forests – study on mining and deforestation

    The new study "Extracted Forests" by WWF, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Satelligence and adelphi explored the extent to which mining activities affect global deforestation and what can be done to stop this development.

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  • Tracking top biodiversity-impact sectors with footprinting tools05/05/2023

    Tracking top biodiversity-impact sectors with footprinting tools

    A new study has found that 250 companies in the MSCI World Index are potentially responsible for 73% of the biodiversity impact of the entire index.

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  • Accounting for Biodiversity: Towards measuring and valuing the biodiversity impacts of financial investments04/18/2023

    Accounting for Biodiversity: Towards measuring and valuing the biodiversity impacts of financial investments

    With the climate and biodiversity crises of the 21st century becoming increasingly material across all sectors, financial institutions have turned their attention towards natural capital and its influences and dependencies on investment activities.

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  • DFC Toolbox on Integrating Biodiversity into Strategies and Operations of Development Finance Institutions04/18/2023

    DFC Toolbox on Integrating Biodiversity into Strategies and Operations of Development Finance Institutions

    A new toolbox introduces the conceptual foundations for understanding the role of biodiversity for financial institutions. It is designed to help its readers navigate the wealth of information in this dynamically developing field.

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  • Updates from the project "Unternehmen biologische Vielfalt" on Biodiversity Checks and Biodiversity in Standards04/18/2023

    Updates from the project "Unternehmen biologische Vielfalt" on Biodiversity Checks and Biodiversity in Standards

    Together with the project partners 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative e.V., Lake Constance Foundation, Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) & DIHK Service GmbH, Global Nature Fund is implementing activities with and for the private sector in the project "Unternehmen biologische Vielfalt".

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  • Publication on Biodiversity Risks: Legal Implications for Companies and their Directors04/17/2023

    Publication on Biodiversity Risks: Legal Implications for Companies and their Directors

    A new paper by the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative analyses the relevance of biodiversity risks to companies and economies in the discharge of directors’ legal duties globally.

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