Science Based Targets Network (SBTN): Publication of first land science-based targets 

European Business & Biodiversity Campaign - News

Science Based Targets Network (SBTN): Publication of first land science-based targets 

The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) has launched a public consultation on its draft technical guidance for companies to set the first land science-based targets, which focus on protecting and restoring ecosystems.

05 May 2023: The consultation, running from February 14 to March 21, 2023, was an opportunity for the public to provide feedback on the guidance before its release as part of science-based targets for nature V1. SBTN plans the first release of science-based targets for nature on May 24, 2023. 

SBTN has so far identified three land targets: non-conversion of natural ecosystems, land footprint reduction, and landscape engagement. The targets aim to preserve natural ecosystems, reduce land use for human activities, and involve stakeholders in sustainable and equitable planning and management. The targets currently focus on upstream activities and have quantifiable objectives and deadlines. The SBTN's land targets are compatible with the SBTi's Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) guidance, which enables companies to set science-based targets that include land-based emissions reductions and removals.
The draft guidance has been being developed by the SBTN land hub, led by WWF and Conservation International, among others.

The draft can be accessed here:

Author: GNF