18 April 2023: The goal of the project Unternehmen biologische Vielfalt (UBi) is to give companies tools and information to effectively adopt biodiversity into their strategy and operations.
What exactly does the Global Nature Fund do? Here is a brief overview of the current status on two work packages that are being implemented with the Lake Constance Foundation, among others:
Biodiversity criteria in standards of different industries After extensive screenings and discussions with many people from different industries, round tables are organized on standards on:
- Textiles
- Plant production
- Metals
- Tourism
The idea is to bring together standard setters, companies with their own labels or purchasing standards and other actors in the supply chains to discuss how biodiversity criteria in existing standards can be deepened and harmonized. This should help companies and of course the "public sector" to better structure their purchasing towards biodiversity protection. The roundtables will start in the 1st half of 2023.
Biodiversity checks for industries and companies Together with selected industries, the GNF develops industry-specific checks that help companies to design a first step towards effective biodiversity management.
In doing so, the GNF also supports 15 companies in the individual implementation of Biodiversity Checks. How should one imagine these?
All areas in the company are looked at and examined for drivers of biodiversity loss. Based on the results, GNF develops initial recommendations for biodiversity action plans. Because only good "Actions" help in the end to stop the loss of nature!
We have selected the industries: Do It Yourself (DIY, construction and garden markets), textiles, plant production and trade, food industry, chemicals & tourism.
Read more about UBi:
https://www.unternehmen-biologische-vielfalt.de/ (German webpage)
Author: GNF