12/01/2021: A strong call for action was presented and endorsed by business leaders in the context of the European Business Nature Summit 2021.
Businesses to act for natureThe statements calls on all businesses to speed and scale up action, ambition and innovative collaboration. These include among others to:
Assess their biodiversity impacts and dependencies at company and sector levels and progressively throughout their entire value chains,
Value natural assets and ecosystems and embed these in decision-making and disclosure so that businesses and financial organisations short-term decisions are aligned with long-term interest of nature and humanity, including local communities.
EU to act for nature
The endorsers call on the European Union to:
Integrate biodiversity as strongly as climate into the Green Deal and recovery plans, and to actively work towards the adoption of a transformative Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework at CBD COP15, China
Mainstream biodiversity in all European and national policies and decision-making by:
Supporting businesses to value and embed natural assets in decision-making and disclosure so that businesses and financial organizations decisions are favourable to nature and to the diversity of and in eco-systems;
Eliminating promptly harmful subsidies or economic incentives damaging biodiversity and repurposing these incentives to redirect consumption and production to nature-positive options.
Develop robust governance and predictable economic pathways through:
Pricing negative impacts, based on "polluter pays" principle (land-use change, pollution, over-exploitation of natural resources and contribution to invasive species) and pricing positively the services delivered by natural ecosystems.
The full text of the call on action can be found here: