EBBC-Newsletter Spring 2022
Dear readers,
The Russian war in Ukraine is causing great suffering. These days, the ambitions of one man and his leadership are overshadowing claims whose fulfillment would actually be important: for the consistent preservation of natural resources which make our life possible.
We are encouraged by the fact that, despite the alleged throwback to dark times of aggressive national actionism, the number of sustainable initiatives for biodiversity is actually growing – as evidenced by the variety of governmental and, above all, private-sector measures, some of which we present to you in the current newsletter of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign.
We wish you a stimulating read,
Your EBBC Team
Binding due diligence through EU supply chain law
The EU Commission published its "Proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence", the so-called EU supply chain law, which also addresses biodiversity protection. More...
Business for Nature demands reform of environmentally harmful subsidies to deliver a nature-positive economy
Ahead of the last round of CBD negotiations before the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15, The B Team and Business for Nature launch a joint brief called "Financing Our Survival: Building a Nature-Positive Economy through Subsidy Reform". More...
World Economic Forum: Biodiversity loss is one of the biggest global assignments
In its 17th Global Risks Report, the WEF names the climate crisis, increasing divisions in society, heightened cyber risks and an uneven global recovery in pandemic times as the biggest global challenges for 2022. In the long term, environmental risks stand out, with concerns about biodiversity loss even landing in third place. More...
"Scaling Investments in Nature"
The White Paper on "The Next Critical Frontier for Private Sector Leadership" authored by the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Nature-Based Solutions takes a practical look at the investment landscape for nature and Nature-based Solutions. More...
"Biodiversity Footprints for Food Chains"
The report presents the outcomes of the AKRIBI stakeholder workshops and explores the feasibility of a footprint monitoring approach, based on regional assessments of biodiversity risks. More...
IPCC report: Consequences of climate change for nature
Climate and biodiversity protection must be thought of together - this is emphasized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in the second part of its 6th Assessment Report, published under the title "Climate Change 2022 - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability". More...
Integrating biodiversity into business strategies: findings from the Private Business Action for Biodiversity (PBAB) project
The global project PBAB has tested and further developed methods and instruments for biodiversity-friendly production and marketing in three partner countries. More...
Forest 500: Business urged to wake-up to climate risks from deforestation
Companies and financial institutions are undermining global climate goals by failing to tackle tropical deforestation, according to the latest annual Forest 500 report. More...
Study: Bringing back large mammals boosts restoration of entire ecosystems
The study suggests that returning just 20 large mammal species to their historic habitats could restore intact large mammal communities across almost one-quarter of the Earth’s land area. More...
Study: Invasive alien species threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Africa
Invasive alien species (IAS) of plants, animals and microbes lead to losses running up to billions of dollars annually in every part of the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a new report. The region has seen the arrival of many IAS in recent years. More...
Global webinar: Tackling biodiversity loss by communicating the links between biodiversity & consumption
03/23/2022, 3.00-4.00 CET, Online: Stakeholders from around the world discuss the role of communication in combating biodiversity loss and present effective tools and approaches. More...
Sustainable Finance For Nature-based Solutions
03/30/2022, Online: Nature-based solutions are critical to confronting the multiple crises we face today – and cultivating the resilient landscapes of the future. How can we better support them to be rolled out more urgently? More...
UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) - Convention on Biological Diversity (Part 2)
04/25-05/08/2022, Kunming, China: The conference will adopt the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, which sets out a strategic vision for biodiversity and ecosystem conservation for the next decade. More...
Conference "European Green Premises"
09/14-09/15/2022, Wiesbaden, Germany: Together with participants from businesses, real estate management, planning actors, local and federal politics, nature conservation associations, and science, the project LIFE BooGI-BOP wants to advance the Europe-wide mainstreaming of biodiversity-oriented premises. More...