Investors examine Footprinting methods and Positive impact

News in the Framework of the European Business & Biodiversity Campaign


Investors examine Footprinting methods and Positive impact

To better integrate biodiversity – the basis of all life – into investment decisions by financial institutions, the European Commission started in 2017 with the Community of Practice Finance@Biodiversity. A new Flyer gives an overview about the published publications.

In 2017 the European Commission started with the Community of Practice (CoP) Finance@Biodiversity to better integrate biodiversity into investment decisions by financial insitutions. The aim of this Community of Practice (CoP) is to support the transition towards a more sustainable financial sector. Among other things, the CoP achieves this through sharing and promoting best practices and by linking other developments and initiatives on ‘Green Finance’. Part of the CoP are the in-depth working groups ‘Biodiversity Accounting’, ‘Positive impact’ and ‘Ambition & Responsibility’.

NextGreen facilitates this European Community of Practice, as part of the Finance-division of the EU Platform Business@Biodiversity.

A recently published flyer gives an overview about the publications on Footprinting, Positive Impact and Roadmap for Biodiversity Investment.

Source: NextGreen, 09.11.2018