Position Paper CAP

Position Paper: How to reinforce biodiversity performance in the future Common Agricultural Policy

The EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a dynamic policy which has been adapted to new challenges through several reforms. These challenges include the more sustainable use of natural resources, climate change, increased competition from global markets and the need to maintain thriving rural areas across the EU. While the CAP has tried to catch up with continuous changes in European food and farming through those rounds of reform, it has resoundingly failed to respond to many other challenges addressed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A detailed analysis of more than 450 publications has shown that the CAP is not fit for purpose from both an environmental and a socio-economic perspective.

The organisations Global Nature Fund and Bodensee-Stiftung (Germany), Solagro and agoodforgood (France), Fundación Global Nature Spain (Spain) and IST Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) released a Position Paper on how to reinforce biodiversity performance in the future Common Agricultural Policy.

"The future CAP needs to be based on a new contract between farmers and society, one which pays for farming practices that work in harmony with nature and that secure the good state of our natural resources such as water, soil and biodiversity."

The Position Paper provides

  • Recommendations to improve the current Greening of the CAP
  • Recommendations to improve the Rural Development Policy
    (second pillar of the CAP)
  • Potential role of food standards with ambitious requirements for biodiversity in the revised CAP

Download: How to reinforce biodiversity performance in the future Common Agricultural Policy


Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege: Public goods bonus - putting a price on environmental services provided by agriculture

BirdLife Europe, European Environmental Bureau, NABU: Is the CAP fit for purpose?

Verbände-Bündnis mit mehr als 40 deutsche Umwelt-, Natur- und Tierschutzorganisationen: Forderungen an ein Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz

Plattform von Verbänden aus Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft,
Entwicklungspolitik, Verbraucherschutz und Tierschutz: Die EU-Agrarpolitik muss gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert bringen

Proposals for increasing the environmental and climate ambition of the CAP 2021-27 by IEEP

EU public consultation about reforming the CAP: www.living-land.org

French platform for "an Other CAP": www.civam.org


Stefan Hörmann

Global Nature Fund
Business and Biodiversity
+49 228 1848694 11